Getting Started with HRUs

Requirements for Input Layers

All three input layers must be polygon layers and included in the current QGIS project.

  1. Sub-basin layer

    This layer should contain the sub-basins as well as a field for Unique Identifiers and another one for slope.

  2. Soil Layer

    This layer should contain all soil types within the study area, but it must only consist of one soil layer. It must contain a field specifying the names of the soil types.

  3. Land Use Layer

    This layer should contain all land use areas within the study area, and it must contain a field specifying the names of the land use types.

    3.1 CSV-File with Talsim land use types + parameters

    In addition to the land use layer, a CSV-File containing the necessary Talsim land use types and their associated parameters is also required. The screenshot below shows one example of what the first lines of the CSV-file could look like:

    Screenshot CSV-File

    The following fields should be included in the CSV-file, the bold fields must be included:

    ID_LNZ, Name, RootDepth, RootDepthMonthlyPatternId, PlantCoverage, PlantCoverageAnnualPatternId, LeafAreaIndex, LeafAreaIndexAnnualPatternId, RoughnessCoefficient, KcCoeffAnnualPatternId, KyYieldAnnualPatternId, BulkDensityChange, pTAW

    However, the plugin does not require every field to contain values.